Here are some pictures that capture the last week. Even though some of them are repeats, they bring great memories. We had a great drive back today from
Spokane. It couldn't have gone better with all the kids. They were great in the car and it was
truly the easiest drive I have taken across the mountains. We stopped twice in a militant style of relieving our bladders and then we were on the road again without fail. We made the 12:50
Bremerton ferry and ate lunch on the ferry. We we got home, all the kids knew their tasks and unloaded the car and put their own things in their room. Boy, have we come a long way. All the stuff is unpacked and the kids had a great time playing with Lego and in the yard. Summer is great in the northwest. We are looking forward to the 4
th of July and all of the other activities that are coming over the next couple months. The kids were sad to leave Priest Lake and pleaded with me to turn the car around and go back. Who knows, maybe next year will be a two week adventure at Priest Lake. Mostly, we had a great time with
family making memories that we don't get to make that often. It is a
great time of year to connect and we love that there is a place that are children look forward to every year.
Well, now it is back to work for me for a couple days, but the fourth of July is coming which means some more pictures. I will try my hardest, now back to work, to blog more frequently, but I have to say, it is so much easier to blog on vacation when there isn't much to do. Have a great Fourth and we will catch up asap.
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