Jonah wanted to build a boat of sorts, so he got some pop cans and some wood. He first went to get five full pop cans, thinking they would help the wood float. After we had a science lesson, we went to the recycling and found some empty ones. Jacob graciously donated the duck tape and Jonah started his work. He finished and tried it out in the sink and it was a success. He can't wait to try this out in the bath tub tonight.
Jacob, on the other hand, wanted to make a book, with a hard cover. He is not sure what the book is going to be at this point, but that is really not the point, as he explained this to me. "I am going to build a book first and then figure out what kind it will be. So, everyone has a project in the house and I guess mine is blogging the days events. It is fun to see them all so busy and using their imagination, instead of parking it in front of the television. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of t.v. and the educational value of a good cartoon, but today just seems to be a project day. I don't think the nap thing is going to happen for me today, but it is sure more restful than working, which is were I will find myself tomorrow. Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
1 comment:
I love the boat! What a smart little guy! I think that motivated me to stared getting creative with the kids.
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