Here are some pictures of our fourth of July this year. We had a great day starting out with the Bainbridge Island parade. We have made this a tradition each year. The kids love it, mostly grabbing as much candy as they can, and we get to see a lot of old friends that we only see once a year. The weather was beautiful and hot. After the parade, we came back to my parent's house with Rebecca's parents and her sister, Hannah. My aunt Deanna and uncle Ken came over and we ate good food and blew off some fireworks. We didn't wait until night time because we had been up the night before at a firework show in Poulsbo, and we were out until midnight. We couldn't do this two night in a row with the kids, so we had a early evening firwork show. Rebecca got into lighting the firworks as well. 

The boys had a great time with the sparklers. Rebecca's aunt Nancy and Uncle Owen, and her cousin, Amanda, came and sat with us at the parade. They moved here a couple years ago and we really enjoy having them close for events like this. Amanda helped the kids grab as much candy as they could without knocking people over. We got home last night at 10:15 and the kids were spent. Coming off a week of vacation and then two night out past 10 p.m., we seem to be pushing the envelope. Today is going to be a day of rest for the kids, if that is possible. They now wake up each morning and say, "what fun things are we doing today?" We need to have a couple lazy days of summer. Hope you had a great fourth of July. 

1 comment:
Any pictures of me and my cool cousins!?!?!?!
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