Saturday, July 24, 2010

One of Rebecca's Talents

Just had to take a picture of Rebecca who has been working the last two days on re-finishing dressers and cabinets for re-sale. It is pretty amazing how she turns these around so fast. She has the vision to look at something and see what it could look like once cleaned up, sanded and painted. She really enjoys doing it, but she is also really good at it. A mom who can do anything.

If you are looking, you will probably see these babies on craigeslist in the next 24 hours. She does good work.

Skateboard park

Took the kids to the skate park early on Friday morning, 9:00 a.m. If you go there before about 11:00 a.m., there are no skaters around and the kids can bring their bikes and scooters. It was fun to watch them burn off some steam while I sipped my coffee and watched, always making sure to give tips and pointers.

Jonah would like to think as himself as being a skater, but the last time we came, he fell on his back off the skateboard and now is a little shy of the whole experience.

Jacob preparing for his final jump into the bowl.

Just tell Noah that he can't do it, and he will try his hardest to prove you wrong.

Jonah hanging in the bowl. They had a great time and were tired by the time we left. Don't worry though, 5 minutes in the car and they had recharged their batteries and were ready to go again.

Jacob's Camp

Well, we successfully completed Jacob's two week day camp on Thursday of this last week. When we looked into it in February, we knew we had to try to do anything to get Jacob there. It was a day camp in Seattle for chidlren with Aspergers and ADHD. We had looked into going to other states where they had good camps, but just couldn't justify the cost. We found this one and met with the director, Ben, who is also a UW graduate of the MSW program. He was great and really liked Jacob during the interview. With an enormous amount of financial and commuting help, our entire family pulled together and we made this happen for Jacob.

We haven't seen him happier than when hbe was going there during those two weeks. He was like a different kid in the evening, even after a two hour commute home. he would come home and say, "it was the best day I've ever had." He also made a ton of friends, which is a big deal for chidren with Aspergers. He was beaming from ear to ear telling us each night about all of his friends. The camp did an incredible job. They completed a creek resoration project, went to the zoo, the UW arboretum, the beach, and a whole lot more.

This is a picture of the head director, and jacob's counselor, Ben. Jacob really looked up to Ben and you could see the change in Jacob as the week went along.

It was sometimes the small things that would make an impact on his day like when all of his cousins came to pick him up. He was so excited to see his family there supporting him. Jacob's family means a lot to him and he wanted to share this experience with them.

So, Rebecca and I wanted to say a deep hearted Thank you again, to all of our family who helped out in so many ways from driving Jacob, making sure he got his medications on time, sleepovers, early wake-ups to catch a ferry and helping our other two boys at home during a time when mom and dad weren't around a lot.

Jacob picked out a beverage hat from a fun store they went to in Seattle. Rebecca and I drove up for pick-up on the last day and saw him wearing this hat. Wej ust cracked up. It's perfect.

The was the groups final good-bye cheer on Thursday. Thanks you all again for making this happen for Jacob. You need to know how much this meant to him.

Two of the other counselor's, Karen and Adam. Jacob really liked them as well. All of these counselors either work in the schools with this population or as a counselor in some capactiy, so they had a great amount of knowledge.

On ou way home in the car. Jacob ended up drinking two water bottles worth of water in about 5 minutes, which was way too much. We told him the dangers of that kind of hat.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Priest Lake 2010

I wanted to get these pictures on the blog and will type some words later. Had a great time

Rebecca having some down time on the beautiful couch.

You have to watch out for these two together. They have so much fun together.

Aunt Sarah, Thomas, and Jonah

One evening after dinner, we took the kids out to get ice cream and sat on the dock. It was so nice to just relax. The lake was so calm that night. I had to fight the urge to jump on the jet ski and slice throught the water.

Noah always gets into his food

Great shot of the moon coming out at 8:00 p.m.

I'm really surprised that no one actually fell into the water.

Can't believe he is turning 7 on August 1st.

I'm not quite sure what to say about this picture other than Jonah is way to cool for himself. I'm sure if he had a facebook account, this would be his picture.

They always have a great time in the boat. They can't get enough.

Looks like he is in the mafia

Jacob loves to get buried in the sand because he said the pressure on him feels so calming.

Two fish

You never know what that kid is thinking.

We caught Sarah and Josh having a moment to themselves without any kids. I snuck through the bushes to get this shot. Yeah, I am a little strange.

The finished product. He spent so much time laughing, that all the sand fell off.

He must have been searching for gold on the bottom.

Jacob tried to bury Noah, but he had too many rules--no sand here or no sand there, or not near my ears etc. Jacob walked off. Too high maintanence.

Jonah and Noah did join another family reunion in progress and they played volleyball.

Always against better judgement, we let the kids drive the boat.

Noah does this tongue thing when he tries really hard. It is very cute. We haven't told him yet.

We must have towed the kids for hours on this thing. It was one of the best father's day gifts ever.

Jonah chillin.

Rebecca and I took the jet skiis over to Elkins Resort and sat on their lawn and had coffee one morning. It was beautiful there. I think we mapped out the next 5 years of family planning for our children in 30 minutes. It's amazing what you can do in 30 minutes uninterrupted.

Sarah pulled the two boys on the jet skit. It worked pretty well.

We did rent kayaks on two different days and it was a fun alternative. The kids loved it. I had to take a try and bring it over to them. They all did great.

It was tiring, but Noah pushed through and did a great job.
Jacob had a great time exploring on his own around the creek.

Noah was fighting hard to make it back once the water got a bit choppy. He was exhausted afterwards.

Jonah waiting patiently for his turn.

Jacob normally does some sort of project when we are there and this time it was a pirate ship. He worked on it for hours and went out to find the perfect pieces of wood.

Had to try and take a picture of the clear sky at night with the beautiful moon. Hard to capture.

Noah is quite the thrasher when it comes to sleep, so we always have to take pictures of him to prove ourselves.

Cousin, Charlotte, out at the pool towards the end of the trip.

Picture of Noah thrashed from two hours of swimming. he just doesn't know when to stop himself.

Papa with Thomas waiting on the edge of the pool.

Noah is so good with Thomas and Thomas really enjoys being with Noah.

Getting closer to the end of the project time.

Josh and thomas after he got back in the boat from knee boarding.

Jonah big thing this year was to knee board. He tried hard and had a great time doing it. He was so proud of himself

I wish we could rent this place for a month and hust hang out. A goal for the future.

What's not to love about this pklace?

Some pre-dinner play time

The place owns their own plane and so the kids ran out there to watch it take off.

This was right out in front of our unit.

The finished product. We did try it out and it did float in the hot tub.

Dressed just in case it turns arctic all of a sudden

Jonah trying to navigate the water ways

Noah couldn't take the wind anymore so he had to wear my sweatshirt.

Working so hard.

Teamwork people. Work together!! We had a great time this year and as always hated to leave, but we will be back next year. Good-bye Priest Lake.