We just love this picture of Noah--we don't capture his looks very often, but he does them all the time. Both the one above, and the one below are classics. The one above is him on the Carousel at Discovery Kingdom, and the one below is him looking out at the Sea Lions off of Pier 39 in San Francisco.

We wanted to take some time to focus on Noah. A boy who knows what he wants 98% of the time, and the other 2%, his brothers decide for him. As of 12:10 a.m., August 1st, he will officially be 4 years old. It has been odd for
Rebecca on this trip looking at each one of our children and how they are growing up so fast. Noah can out-talk, out-argue, and out-run the majority of his family members now, including his parents. We were out to dinner tonight at a Chinese
restaurant, and he was politely talking to the waitress, asking her for some milk when she had a minute. He is such a little man now. He got out of the shower tonight and wanted to make sure to show us his muscles and asked if we saw them growing bigger now that he is going to turn 4. He is one in a million, a true character. The things that come out of his mouth make us howl with laughter, and he doesn't even know they are funny. We are both so excited and so sad to see our little boy grow up to be a 4 year old. He is ready, but we aren't. So, Noah, Happy Birthday little champ.
Tomorrow we are going to have breakfast together and then spend the day in Santa Cruz. We should have some good pictures from this day. We will try and get today's pictures up just as soon as we get these little guys to bed and asleep.

Awww! Happy Birthday Noah! Wow that is so crazy.
Happy 4th Birthday, Noah! Way to go!!
Happy Birthday, Noah. We love you. Grandma and Grandpa
Awww Noah!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! You're amazing cuz!!
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