Our day began early. We were up and out by 6:30. The first picture is of the kids in the car on the way to the ferry. It's pretty indicative of their respective moods at the time. Noah had been out of bed for approximately 12 minutes at this point.
And this...
And this...Until they each got to...

And this...Until they each got to...
Do this. This is an EEG (Electroencephaologram-impressed?). It basically measures all kinds of brain waves and activity. It's the measuring tool used in this study. Each of the kids got to wear the 'hat' while they watched a variety of videos with facial expressions, hand gestures (no naughty ones), and neutral images. It was very interesting. They had all kinds of other fun stuff to do, too.

But, in the end, it was the fun balls they got to take home that was the funnest of all. They were so cooperative, patient, polite, kind children. I'm so glad they enjoyed it.
Exhausted, we went across the street to the Medical Center's cafeteria. Fancy. But, we ate, and felt better. I'm sure we were a sight, packing a cooler, a big bag o'activities, my knitting, Robb's jacket, our cameras, and the backpack full of video games, etc.

Not to be outdone by a medical study, the parents had to throw in their own fun, too. So, we took the kids to one of their favorite places in Seattle. Coincidentally, a donut joint. They were so excited, and each picked out his own kind.

Noah's reaction to his first bite of donut. Enough said.

We had a little time before dinner (between eating gigs), so we headed out to one of Robb's favorite places ever--The Airport. With security measures much tighter these days, it's harder to get a close-up view of these GFOs (giant flying objects) than it used to be. But, Robb knows all the best places to watch. The kids got out of the car, as Robb described to them where the engines are on each plane, and where each plane was coming from as it landed (am I the only one who thinks that makes him a savant?).

And, because we didn't pack enough fun stuff into one day, we took the kids to the second happiest place on earth (that you can find in a mall), the Rainforest Cafe! It still does it for them. We sat under the stars part of the sky, which was a little less overwhelming and noisy than in other places we've sat before. The kids were great. My sister, Hannah joined us for dinner.

Then, we said goodbye to daddy. Robb's leaving for Mazatlan, MX tomorrow with the builder's team from our church. The plan is to build two houses, and possibly a basketball court. He's so excited. But, he is also hesitant to leave us behind. On Spring Break. So, he put together a series of envelopes for us to open each day. Each with it's own little gift. So, we look forward to each message we get from his as he's far away.
Here's how we ended the day. With a bang. Goodbye, Robb. Have a great trip! We will pray for you and wish you and the team all the best success for your mission!
Exhausted, we went across the street to the Medical Center's cafeteria. Fancy. But, we ate, and felt better. I'm sure we were a sight, packing a cooler, a big bag o'activities, my knitting, Robb's jacket, our cameras, and the backpack full of video games, etc.
Not to be outdone by a medical study, the parents had to throw in their own fun, too. So, we took the kids to one of their favorite places in Seattle. Coincidentally, a donut joint. They were so excited, and each picked out his own kind.
Noah's reaction to his first bite of donut. Enough said.
We had a little time before dinner (between eating gigs), so we headed out to one of Robb's favorite places ever--The Airport. With security measures much tighter these days, it's harder to get a close-up view of these GFOs (giant flying objects) than it used to be. But, Robb knows all the best places to watch. The kids got out of the car, as Robb described to them where the engines are on each plane, and where each plane was coming from as it landed (am I the only one who thinks that makes him a savant?).
And, because we didn't pack enough fun stuff into one day, we took the kids to the second happiest place on earth (that you can find in a mall), the Rainforest Cafe! It still does it for them. We sat under the stars part of the sky, which was a little less overwhelming and noisy than in other places we've sat before. The kids were great. My sister, Hannah joined us for dinner.
Everyone went to sleep well tonight, totally exhausted from the day. But, not all went to sleep happy. Our toughest guy, Jonah was just too sad to hold it in. It was a pretty heart-wrenching sight to see him break down about missing daddy. Even Lego, the dog had a hard time knowing what to do with himself tonight. He whimpered and paced, waiting for Robb to get home.
Here's how we ended the day. With a bang. Goodbye, Robb. Have a great trip! We will pray for you and wish you and the team all the best success for your mission!
We will miss you, Robb. But, we know this will be a great experience. Check back here for a daily update on our Spring Break!
Just got up this morning and am heading out to the airport. Great pictures. We had a great day yesterday. I miss all you guys already and will pray for you everyday. Enjoy a week of no school. Love, Daddy
Got goosebumps reading your blog today...what a great thing...all around...the study, the eating, the loving. :) Good luck this week Rebecca! Will you be at bookclub tomorrow night? Robb - sending you lots of love, and saying prayers with you this week. Love, Angela
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