Jonah agreed to scoop poop for the dogs with his grandparents so that he could earn money to buy
heelys. He earned $20 and he found them on sale the other day for $19.99. He was so excited because he had the money he needed. We made a deal with him that since he had opened a checking account and he just had $20, we would pay for the shoes and he could keep scooping poop and he could pay us each day until the $20 was paid off. This way, he could keep his money in savings and keep up with the job. He agreed. Well today, he didn't want to scoop the poop at 4:00 or 5:00 so after dinner, he had to do it in the rain/snow downpour. I think a big part of him loved having to do it in the pouring rain
because I saw him outside playing in the mud. We had to catch this on film. After wards his grandparents made him hot chocolate. Procrastination pays off I guess when you are Jonah. Reminds me of Eric, a friend from college where everything always worked out.

This was Jonah on his way over to get the scooper. He probably had a big smile on his face that we just can't see.

Not sure if you can see the rain. My eyes are trained to look right through the grey since I have lived here so long.

Right after he finished, the rain stopped. The whole experience didn't seem to
faze him, but he wouldn't tell us even if it did. I was proud of him for following through. Go Jonah.
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