Thursday, June 25, 2009

Too much fun

I'm not sure kids are allowed to have this much fun during summer. We spent all day long yesterday whipping ourselves into a frenzy on the intertube. We started out where Jonah only wanted to go 5 miles per hour and by the end of the day, we were whipping him back and forth across the wake.

Sarah and Josh went to get the jet skiis looked at and we took Thomas off on the boat and had a great time. Josh and Sarah came back with a new Jet ski which just threw everyone for a loop, especially the adults. We had more fun than the kids did.

It is so much fun to hang out with the boys on the lake. Home, work, and the stresses of life seem so far away.

While Sarah and Josh were gone, we loaded Thomas up with icecream, but we had to hose him off before they came home so they wouldn't know. He did end up skipping a nap which could have been due to the sugar overload. We'll never know.

Rebecca did have a great time on the jet ski and said she got it up to 53 miles per hour. I got it up to 52, but since Reba is so competative, she is the winner. My goal is going to we trying to break that record.

Sarah was driving the boat when she had Mike and Josh on the back and they were flying. Mike did end of taking a spill at some point but no broken bones.

Loved the jet ski. Can't say enough about jumping over waves.

Funny to see Jonah's face and Noah's hair. Noah absolutely loves it. He always wants to go faster and go over bigger bumps.

When Sarah was driving the boat and had Mike and josh on the back, there was slack and she gunned it snapping the rope. She didn't want to pose for the picture, but I didn't give her the choice.

Josh took out each child after dinner and let them drive. Brave man. They had a blast.

The five minutes Mark has had to read his book before he was interrupted by grandchildren. I will post some more pictures later but the internet connection is a little harry up here and the wind is also causing some problems.

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