Saturday, June 20, 2009

Moses Lake here we come! Summer is here

Most people who live in Washington may wonder why we are so excited to head to Moses Lake. Well, to be specific,  it is much warmer, and there is a water park there that we went to yesterday.  It was great.  They had a wave machine so you could either surf or boogie board.  Jonah and Jacob tried to boogie boarding and they did a really good job.  Josh did a great job surfing too.  If you are small and don't have far to fall, it's much better.  I will post some pictures asap.  We all had a great day on the lazy river with our cousin Thomas (9 months) or going down the water slides.  It was a great way to start the trip.  I have never needed time away as much as this week.  I am going to soak it up as much as I can.  Today, we are in Spokane and we are shopping for Priest Lake and are heading there tomorrow.  Happy summer to all who live in the Northern Hemisphere.  Until the pictures hit the airwaves.


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