We got home on Saturday and had the rewarding job of unpacking the car and scrubbing the walls down from top to bottom. It is amazing what you find near the children's seats after a long driving trip.
CSI is still trying to identify some of the remains that were wedged in the side pocket near Noah's seat. On Sunday we went to church and headed over to Sarah and J
osh's new house for a barbecue. Because the kids have been so bored the last 10 days, we had to brings bikes, set up croquet, and play baseball. The kids just ran around while the adults sat down and tried to get caught up on the days events.
GG (Great Grandma as the kids call her) also came. It was great to see her. After leaving the barbecue, it was home to mow the lawn and do all of the other chores that have been neglected over the past 10 days. Back to reality. Back to work tomorrow and the summer events left before school starts.
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