For those of you who know Jacob well, seeing him eating a
s'more, or anything for that matter, is a big deal. We had the camp fire and children running around with lit marsh mallows. Graham crackers flying and never enough chocolate. Eli, 5, was searching for a stick to roast his marsh mallow and he yelled, "I found a
skeleton." This is never a good thing to hear. And, yes, he did find a
skeleton. Look in the picture below in the left hand
corner and there it is all propped up. Well you can just imagine what all of the kids did. We decided that it was a deer. It never seems to be boring at family events. Jacob ended up eating 7
s'mores, which we didn't find out until later. He was a happy camper that night.

This was Scott and Lara's last night and everyone had a great time. Sorry to see them leave, but so grateful they made the great trek across the country. They got up early the next morning and headed home to get Nate to camp in time in North Carolina.
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