I had forgotten that in the midst of our April, we did celebrate
Jesus's birthday! Kind of an important Holiday. We ended up having both sides of the family over to our house and it was fun to pack it full. Everyone brought food, but as you can see,
Rebecca made sure everything tasted good. We did the traditional Easter egg hunt after lunch right before there was a down pour which lasted the rest of the evening. Good timing. It is great to have a home where we can fit our family and have gatherings like this. Even though our kids know the reason why we celebrate Easter, it seems like the candy is a little more tangible at this age. In our house, the kids talk it up big that they are going to eat all of their candy on the same day, but months later, most of the candy is up in the cupboard, forgotten......well maybe not by their parents or the occasional grandparent that comes over and grabs from the stash.
Happy Easter everyone (even though it is June....no matter)
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