My left foot has been hurting since last week when I fell out of the recycling can as I was jumping up and down in there trying to make more room. The first three days, it hurt, but I managed. After that, it took it felt alright with a steady stream of advil. Then, the other day, it really became uncomfortable again. I had made an appointment to see my doctor this coming Tuesday, but this morning, it was hurting too much. I went to urgent care hoping to get a "not to worry, there's noting wrong." Instead, they came in after the x-rays and said, "You have a hairline fracture and you need to wear this boot. I have to admit, I was shocked. So, now I am part of the boot world, where people stare and wonder how you hurt yourself. I'm sticking to a skydivng accident instead of falling out of the recycyling can. Pictures to follow at some point in the future.
with my head held low in embarrassment,
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
10 Things you should never have to say outloud
Since I have been a parent for 10 years now, I've figured out that there are so many things that I can't believe come out of my mouth. The boys and I are in Lake Chelan this weekend with my parents while Rebecca has to work. We have had a full day of events that seem to never stop. In the midst of all the "fun", there are so many things that we just shouldn't have to say out loud.
1. Everyone must wear underwear at all times during the day, no exceptions.
2. Everyone must flush the toilet and wash their hands at all times, and I mean everyone!
3. We don't hit each other in the penis, ever, is that understood?
4. The shower curtain always goes on the inside of the bathtub, never on the outside. (That was a messy one to clean up.)
5. No, you can't hit your brother with the bat, even if you are mad. (I am so glad he asked first, but still, did I really have to answer that question?)
6. You don't run out to the car naked to get a toy, even though you felt like you couldn't wait to get your hands on those lego's.
7. Everyone must use toilet paper after pooping even though you think you may not need to. (It is wrong in so many ways, I can't even understand.)
8. That fish isn't that big at all guys, just jump in. (Once I looked, it was about a foot and a half long--ooops!)
9. Make sure to turn off the water when you get out of the shower each and every time.
10. Noah, stop grabbing yourself in front of the other kids on the playground!
And there you have it. These are all just from today. It is amazing that we have to say these things as parents, but we do. Have had a great day, but I feel like a burnt out cruise director who doesn't want to re-up my contract for the next year. Bedtime is soon. Have a great Friday night.
Three strikes and your out!
Now it's not too often that I just blog without pictures and discussion about what fun things we have done that week. This week, I'm just sharing what stupid things I have done. It started out Monday night when I had to take the garbage and recycling down to the curb. The recycling bin was once again, too full. So, I did what I always do. I get step ladder and climb into the bin and jump up and down, making more room for the pile of recycling waiting to be shoved in. This time, I got a little too extreme, and the back wheels gave way and the whole thing came tumbling over with me inside. I went flying and fell on the stairs. I scraped my hand, fell on my arm, and hurt my foot. I had originally thought I had broken my foot it hurt so bad. The best part is that right afterwards, Noah came out with more recycling and walked over my tired body lying on the stairs. Once he stepped over me he said, "What are you doing lying on the stairs dad?" I told him I fell out of the recycling bin and he then said, "What were you doing in the recycling bin? That's dangerous." Thank you Noah. He did help me up and helped me clean up all the recycling all over the floor. Like the good (stupid) husband I am, I still rolled both garbage and recycling down to the curb before I cam back inside and promptly iced my foot with a three pill advil push. That was only Tuesday.
I woke up ten minutes late and hobbled to the bathroom on Wednesday, took my shower, popped more advil and made my way to Starbuck's for some good brew. While sitting in line stationary, not on my cell phone or any other electrical device, all of the sudden, a car back into the passenger doors of my car. So, a coffee run has now turned into exchanging information and hearing a story about how she doesn't want this to go on her insurance. I think to myself, "I better slow down today, this isn't starting out well." An hour into work, as I am running around doing too many things, I begin to get multiple text messages about patients who need me to call, but they aren't my patients. I come to find out that this is the one day of the month where it is my turn to be the "social worker on-call". Once a month, we rotate and cover other social workers who are sick or off on vacation. It makes the day crazy, and you are supposed to plan your day very lightly in order to deal with the crisis at hand. I hadn't done that. In fact, I had a fully packed day. Strike two! By the time I got home that night, I noticed that my eye was hurting a bit and a little red. As the night progressed, it was clear that I would have my first ever in grown eye lash forming a large, red, protruding, bump, that is quite uncomfortable I might add. Strike three, I'm out.
Thursday was spent working and trying to get quotes from auto body shops on how much this is going to cost to get my car fixed. The only redeeming quality about the day is that I am taking the kids to Lake Chelan to meet my parents for the weekend. Oh, I forgot, our dog Lego, hasn't been eating the last three days and is pretty lethargic, so Rebecca gets to take him to the vet on Friday morning. She had to stay home this weekend because she has three classes. I know she would rather be here, but work calls. Anyway, I am hoping that the end of the week proves to be much better than the beginning of the week. Three strikes and your out! Have a good Friday.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Jonah's 9th Birthday Party
All in all, it was a great birthday party. Jonah had a fantastic time, and it was just what he wanted. Go to sleep time: 12:45, Wake-up time: 6:05. Oh, to be a kid again...Happy almost birthday, big guy!
Mother's Day-What a beautiful day
Jonah got a lesson in how to train a seeing eye dog. He loved this.
Noah made this for Rebecca from school and she wore it all day long for him.
We saw this "Rubiks cube guy" last year and Jacob couldn't stop talking about him. We saw him again and this time we bought the CD and Jacob got a picture. He is the man who can complete a Rubik's cube in 17 seconds. Jacob is always mesmerized.
Jonah got a chance to be involved with card tricks. He loved it and now wants to be a magician
Always a great time to look at the smelly fish. they love it when the guys throw them around.
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