Now you ask why two ER visits in one week. O.K., here we go. Rebecca had a bad reaction to sun screen and broke out in a bad rash-which she didn't allow me to take a picture of nor post anything resembling a rash. It was all over her body and pretty bad. On Thursday morning, her mom took her to the ER in Sandpoint, ID to get medication and treated. They sent 4 different nurses in to look at this anomaly. She did make it home with a bag of medication and was able to enjoy the rest of the trip. On Friday, Mark was getting ready to jump off the boat when we were docking and he slipped and fell on the dock, on his chest. We thought he cracked his sternum but we knew that he hurt his knee. Because he was having a hard time breathing, we called 911. Before the ambulance came, the sheriff boat arrived and beached their boat at Grandview. it was a big tadoo. The funny thing was that the sheriff who walked up graduated from Whitworth college in 1995, a year between Rebecca and I. For those of you who don't know, Mark and Sue went to Whitworth, and Sarah, Rebecca, Hannah, and I all went to Whitworth. It was great to see a familiar face. The ambulance finally came and they checked him out and said we could drive him in so Sue and Hannah drove him into Newport Hospital and got him checked out. He didn't crack his sternum, but did sprain both wrists, and his ankle. He came back that night and was sore, and will be sore. So, that is enough ER visits for one year.
Thank goodness he didn't have to go in the ambulance.
Before the ambulance, both Sue and Mark went on the inter tube with the boys. They had a great time. The inter tube was a great birthday gift. We all used it al ot this year.
For the adults, it was kind of like a nice wine and beer cruise around the lake, but for the kids, they thought they were at least going 60 m.p.h.
We were able to find some espresso drinks at a local resort that we would boat over to all the time.
I took turns with all the boys and let them drive the boat. They thought it was great. It was Noah who we had to watch out for. He didn't want to just steer, he wanted to push the throttle forward and go faster. Jonah was more cautious, but loved it.
So much fun having the boat with us this year again. Thanks mom and dad.
Someone must have been spying on us as we were deciding whether to go on the jet skis or not.
By the end of the trip, Jonah had a great time on the jet ski. It was funny seeing Sarah, who is pregnant and due in September, and Jonah going out for a spin on the jet ski. Jonah had a blast.
Perfect picture of Sue heading out on the jet ski for her daily run. Look at how calm the lake was that night. We took them out after dinner that night.
Sarah, getting ready to go on the jet ski with her belly showing through the life jacket.
Jonah was waiting for his turn on the jet ski.
Mark took the kids down to the water to look at rocks and try and find good ones to skip. It would keep them busy for quite awhile.