Just a picture of Jacob's Birthday I stole from Sarah's Computer

Well, the remodel is in full swing. We are now to the point in the remodel where we can't stay in the house comfortably. There is dust everywhere and the workers are great about showing up early. Sarah, Reba's sister, is in New York this week so she has graciously offered her house out to the homeless. We have been here the past few nights and it is nice to make dinner or heat something up and sit on a couch. The kids are to the point now where they ask us where we are sleeping each night. It is a little bit disorienting, even for Reba and I.
Yesterday was Reba's 32nd Birthday and she was not necesarily thrilled about the timing, becuase things are just a bit overwhelming at the time. Each day, she is in charge of getting the kids up and out of the house for school, checking in with the contractor, meeting him at Home Depot when needed, and all the phone calls that go a long with managing a remodel. You may ask what I am doing, and the answer is "Just working." Reba can meet with people throughout the day, so most of this has fallen in her lap. She wasn't looking forward to the day, because it was going to be another sprint from morning until night. We won't go into details, but let's just say that her birthday didn't go down in the books as the best ever. It was overwhelming and it was a bit too much. The evening ended well with Birthday dinner at her parent's home and a nice evening of relaxing. Mark and Sue extended Reba's gift by allowing the kids to stay the night since they were already to bed. It was great to go back to Sarah's house and have a good night sleep. This morning was actually relaxing which gave us time to have coffee and talk about where we are in all of this remodeling experience. We decided to keep going since we are half way through the project. Good for both the contractor as well as us. Today is another day and although busy, the birthday experience is behind her and she has a wh0le 364 days to get ready for the next one. Maybe next year we can make her a cake in our kitchen and have a party instead.
Constrtuction update:
*Tomorrow our kitchen cabinets come in between the hours of 0800-1200-we all know this really means 11 p.m.
*They are done taping and mudding the walls and ceilings so they are going to texturize the walls and ceiling tomorrow.
*They have molded out all the windows on the outside and inside and have finished the moldings on the dooors.
*The front door is on and new hardware has been added by Reba
*Fireplace has been cut out and you can see through to the other side where the living room is.
*Tomorrow we are off to get our kitchen tile and shelf that will be built-in near the entry way.
*This weekend we will be painting closet doors, window molding, and touch ups on the walls.
Have a great day and remember to enjoy the couch you are sitting on and the oven you are cooking in. Happy days!