Those of you who are regular readers of the blog may be asking yourself, "what in God's name are these people doing?" It would be alright to ask that question, because we seem to be asking the same question of ourselves as well. It is Jacobs 7th birthday of September 5th and he has been asking for a dog for the past couple months. Anyone who knows Reba and I well know that we just don't run out and make quick decisions, especially involving a dog. We found a litter of golden retriever puppies two miles from our house. We fell in love and we are brining the puppy home in October. One may ask what we are doing still living in remodel chaos and now adding a puppy to the mix. We finally get Noah toileted properly and we then take on another family member that we have to now, potty train. Some would say that this is the worst time to get a dog, but on the other hand, it may actually divert us from the stress of a torn apart home. It may also divert us from precious hours of sleep at night. Either way, it is another adventure in life. Jacob feels up for the job, as well as, help from his two brothers. On to more exciting news from the LeRoy Clan.
Jonah has wanted to join a soccer team the last two years of his little life. We tried to sign him up for fall soccer two weeks ago and found out that it was full. We were bummed for him but thought we would try it next time. Two days ago, we received a call from soccer club that told us they made up another team and he was to start on Tuesday. Jonah was beside himself with joy. I took him to soccer last night and they were given their soccer uniform. Jonah was more excited about that than playing yesterday. Tonight at practice, he so wanted to wear the uniform and the smile on his face was priceless. He will start his first game on September 9th. He can't wait. Jonah begged me to bring the camera to take pictures. Here you go. Life is full of joy.
On Sunday, we were able to go to the Kitsap county fair. The kids had been working towards this for the past three weeks. They have been doing chores and saving their money so they could go on all the rides. The day was hot, exciting, and awesome. Our kids flocked to Sarah and Josh. Josh is the bomb. The kids think he is the best, so he was a buddy for the day for Jonah and Noah. The kids are now exhausted from a long weekend of fun and excitement. Enjoy the pictures.
1 comment:
That is one cute dog! I think this is the best time to add a dog, because if it poops in the house you are already used to it!
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