The weekend was quick, but we got an amazing amount done. Jacob and Jonah went camping with Pappa Doug and their Aunt Stacy and Uncle Tom. They played with their cousins, rode bikes, made smor's, saw salmon spawning, and slept out under the stars. They came home tired and dirty with a lot of stories from the weekend. It was great because through all of this remodel, the kids have been very patient with mom and dad. This weekend was about them and the really had a great time. To say the least, they were in bed and asleep by 0730 Sunday night. Noah got to go over to my cousins house and play with his cousins. He was the center of attention and loved every minute of it. We were grateful for all the help this past weekend. As a result, we accomplished a lot.
On Saturday, Reba and her mom started the tile project for the kitchen counters. They have tiled before and have always done a great job. Sue took point on the tile saw and Reba began laying things out. In the meantime, I had the glorious job of painting all the window trim and base boards, all of which aren't done yet. Hannah, Reba's sister came over that morning also and picked up a brush. Everyone was working hard and they were making good headway on the tile. In the middle of the day, Reba figured they needed more tile so Hannah and I hopped in the car and headed back over to Seattle to get more tile before the store closed at 4:30. We ran to Bainbridge, picking up Noah along the way, and barely made the last ferry. We picked up the tile and drove back around (the things we do for the right tile). Sue and Reba had continued to work and were making good progress so we stopped for dinner and then hit it hard after that. Tiling is the type of project that you know is going to be hard, but you don't realize how much time it will really take. We worked on it until 2:30 in the morning because the next day we had to grout. We had to finish completely. Plus, who wants to clean up the mess just to then start again in the morning. The next morning, we hit it hard again and we did finally finish last night around 10 p.m. Sarah and Josh came by with lunch, which was a great break. We didn't have time to go out because we had to keep working. During the day when the ladies told me to get out of the way, I painted closet doors and continued on with the base boards. Needless to say, the tile looks incredible. It turned out great. The cabinets, cool floors, and tile. We had to get all of this done this weekend because the electrician and plumber was coming this morning to hook up the sink, faucet, fridge etc. Just under the wire. If we figured out what we paid Sue per hour by the lunch we bought her, it comes out to twenty-two cents an hour. Can't beat slave, I mean, family labor prices. We really appreciated everyone's help this weekend from those who helped with the kids to those who brought lunch and finally, those who gave their swear and grime.
It looks like they will be getting done this week, which means we get to have our house back. Don't get excited though, it is still not safe to come out of your houses. We still have little projects we may be recruiting for. Lots of painting base boards and finish work. We also will try to paint he house if we have another great weekend like last weekend. We also still have to carpet the bedrooms sometime in the next two weeks, but don't worry, we will contract out for that. Tonight, the order of the business is..................Nothing, I'm pooped.
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