Yesterday we had a great day of relaxation, family, and a lot of great food. We have started a tradition without knowing it to go out to breakfast the morning of Thanksgiving. It made extra sense this year since we were hosting Thanksgiving this year. We had the table set and we didn't want to dirty anything more at that point so it made sense to go out for breakfast. It was a great way to startt the day. We came home and Rebecca got things ready while I took the kids out and tried to weather the storm of "last minute items at the grocery store". When we left, snow starting falling, which the kids and their dad, thought was great. It was heavy,wet, snow, but it was beautiful, making the grocery store trip that much more chaotic.
We had wine, cheese, and lots of munchies around noon and family trickled in. "Grandma Karen" was the savior of the day by renting an xbox for the kids. Once the xbox arrived, a quiet peace fell over the house, allowing the adults to taste wine and cheese uninterrupted. It was kind of strange that we sat around talking and catching up without breaking up any major diagreements. When the natives did get restless, Reba broke out the gingerbread house kits and the kits went to town on those. They had a great time decorating them. The parents had a great time watching and nibbling on the candy. Later there was ornament decorating, which they loved. All the while, the xbox was plugging away and the kids were getting their fill.
It was crazy getting dinner ready right at the last minute, but it all worked out. "Uncle Tom" was able to make it earliy which we were all happy about. "GG", who is 92, also felt up to coming, which was great. We had a nice relaxing, long dinner as you can imagine with 9 children and 8 adults. Just like Thanksgiving should be. Everyone has something to say and they want to share it at the same time. We then had Reba's parents and sister, my cousins and Aunt and Uncle over around 7:00 for dessert. The day was great and most of all, we were able to have people over here. All of the remodel is done and it was great to have people over to see it and share the experience. Most of the people have helped throughout the last 6 months, so it was great for them to see the changes. I also got to talk with my brother, Scott, from Charleston, SC. He was heading down to Hilton Head for Thanksgiving. It was great to talk to him.
Today, dad and the boys are having a pajama morning in front of the television while mom is out shopping with her mom and sister. This is exactly where I want to be the day after Thanksgiving. Doing nothing to kick off the Christmas season. Tomorrow, we get to get caught up with a college frined, Wendy, and her 2 year old son, Charlie. We can't wait to see her. Have a great Thanksgiving weekend and we hope your Thanksgiving was a good one.
Robb and Reba
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