Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Pre-Birthday Grandma-65!!

Since we were all together, we decided to surprise grandma and have a 65th birthday celebration for her on Wednesday night. All the kids were so excited to keep this secret from her. They were blowing up balloons in other rooms and hiding decorations. After dinner, Noah and Eli asked if she and my dad would take her on a walk so they did. In the meantime, the house came alive with little munchkins decorating for their return.

It was fun to see everyone work together.

This picture got thrown in their because it was funny to see Mike wearing the apron with shorts on.

This was one of the bedrooms that had balloon blowing going on while grandma was in the house.

The kids started putting up all the balloons on the stairs once they left.

Good picture of Mike and Stacy at the party once they came home for their surprise.

Grandma getting attacked with surprises once they walked in from their walk.

She was so excited to see the cake and hear how much the kids had worked on things.

I think the kids may have been more excited than grandma

Scott gibing a bear hug to Jacob in the kitchen. Jacob has a lot of aunts and uncles who love him very much.

We finally got the kids settled down and my dad gave her the present of taking her on a cruise in October and she was very surprised. Great picture.

The kids just huddled around as she opened all her gifts. One gift we all gave was a three picture frame with group pictures from events from the last three days. It was great. She loved it.

It was a great way to celebrate early, with all her kids and grand kids around. Our family is definitely the loud family when it comes to these events. It was fun to watch her open all her gifts.
Happy Birthday Mom!!

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