Rebecca and I do a pretty good job of dividing up all of the work that it takes to raise a family these days. Now I may be better at some things than Rebecca is and visa verse. When I came home today, Rebecca was on her way out the door to a meeting and she wouldn't be back until late. I was going to get dinner on the table, oversee homework etc., all the normal things. Well, she walked by and said, "you are going to have to frost Noah's cake." Noah is having a birthday celebration for school tomorrow since his Birthday is in August. Noah is always very specific about how he wants his cake decorated. Let's face it, I can do a lot of things, but decorating a cake that meets the standards of both Noah and Rebecca is not one of them. Noah kept hounding me to decorate it with him all night so I finally started putting on the frosting and found out that more was needed on the sides but cake was showing through. By the time I got to the top, there was barely any frosting left. I couldn't run out and get more, so I began to improvise, which again is not a good thing to do in my case. I grabbed sugar and put food coloring in it and then started sticking it to the sides, which did cover up the cake that was showing through. Noah was watching me in amazement as I asked for complete silence while I operated on the cake. Sweat was pouring from my pours and Noah had to wipe my brow on occasion so that I could see. Noah did say, "I don't think mom would do it this way", to which I responded, "Mommy isn't here right now is she!" Once the sugar was on the sides and the blue frosting was squirted around the edges, Noah threw sprinkles on it. I was impressed, but realized that when Rebecca walks in the door, who knows what the reaction would be. Rebecca will be the one bringing it to preschool tomorrow and everyone will think she was the one who decorated it. I could lie and say that I gave Noah the decorating items and let him go to town on his own, but he would have done a better job and he even knows it. So, again, I say, each one of us have different gifts in the marriage, and decorating cakes isn't one of mine, but hey, I tried. I can't wait to see the reaction when Rebecca walks through the door tonight at 10:00 p.m. I won't look up from the couch and she will stop and stare. It sure will be interesting. What do you think? Is it preschool worthy or not? Let me know. Here is one more view of the cake from the top.
Tune in until tomorrow when you can find out the real reaction from cake decorating 2009!
You can be sure Rebecca will be letting the other moms at preschool know exactly who decorated this lovely master piece. Its actually not half bad Robb...just a little excessive on the bling. Not shocking though. I did picture you hunched over the cake in complete concentration with Noah sponging the sweat off your brows..."son, sponge me please". Nerd. Anywho...hope you are doing great! Hope Noah has a great birthday celebration tomorrow - it does suck a little having a summer birthday (I have first had experience with this). Take care! Sheri
I think you did a great job Way to go! She did leave it to you so she really can't say too much... can she!
Totally preschool worthy!!!!! I actually thought it looked very original and a very prety cake to boot! You can come do my kids birthday cakes any time. The next one is in July and wer'e in Nevada , so book your flight soon! :)
For the record, I didn't even ask him to frost the cake, but I was glad he had. I'm getting the critical bad rap here. I thought he did great, and he makes it sound like I'm some sort of cake tyrant. Nice.
Not bad Robb!! Where you really sweating making the cake? I didn't realize that frosting a cake could be so stressful.
Rebecca a cake tyant? I think that fits you well!
Don't feel bad Robb, that looks like something I would make too! If you're interested, they give cake decorating classes at Hobby Lobby... Maybe you could sneak in some classes and impress Rebecca next time! Hahaha.
But really, I'm impressed that you knew how to color the sugar.
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