Rebecca caught Jonah and I (who had a bite of sandwich shoved in my mouth) on the other side of the table.
Here is Noah giving his famous head massage or what we like to call, "messing your hair up." She didn't seem to mind as she fell asleep.
Someone was nice enough to take a picture, since we were tourists from out of town. Even though it was partly cloudy, that is compared to an 80 degree day in Hawaii. As long as we didn't get rained on, we were happy.
Jacob is always worried that one of his brothers is going to push him off the ferry. I'm not sure I can say that he has nothing to worry about. He stuck close to mom and away from his brothers when he went closer to the edge.
We stopped at a guy who could spin a book in one hand and complete a Rubik cube in his other hand. The kids were mesmerized by this, and of course, asked lots of questions. He gave them the cube and let them mix it up, just in case no one trusted him.
The kids were so enthralled, they probably wouldn't have even noticed if we had walked away.
Of course, we had to stop by the mini-doughnut maker--and no, the actual man is not mini, but the doughnuts are. They were hot,warm, and gooey. The kids made sure they each got an equal amount.
No idea what this was, but the kids were gathering around it like it was the doughnut god. J0nah actually had to be reprimanded for pointing out this monster's appendage in front of everyone. Leave it up to Jonah to point out the large "dedon" on this character. That sure was a happy parent moment.
The one thing Reba wanted to do was to pick out some flowers to bring home. Pretty incredible. She got lost in the sea of flowers.
We all sat back and let mom go in and pick out her own flowers, uninterrupted. She was lost in the flowers and didn't seem to mind.
While we waited, Noah was tired and couldn't take his eyes off the piano player.
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