There is always a joke in our family. Rebecca putting up Christmas lights or doing yard work always looking dressed to the nine's. She doesn't plan this, it just happens. It usually starts by her getting out of the car, seeing the lights on the driveway, and then picking them up and starting the process. She has gotten a lot of crap from neighbors who look over and see Rebecca on a step ladder, putting lights up or mowing the lawn. I had to take a picture to make sure people actually believe me. If you are wondering where I was during this process, I was taking the picture and having a cup of coffee. For all of you who wonder if I did anything during the holidays, yes I did. I actually did put up the lights on the house this year, and Rebecca put the light around the bushes and trees. It looked great.
We were able to calm the kids down long enough to catch their picture in front of the tree.
We went to my Christmas party for work and Santa came and Jonah was able to get some one-on-one Santa time before he was bombarded.
Christmas Eve was spent with my parents and sister's family. The kids always have a good time as Christmas Eve approaches. We had a nice dinner and we all opened gifts that night. We came home around 9 p.m., got the kids in bed and started prep for Christmas morning.
The kids were so excited to have Santa come down the chimney and leave presents. They left out cookies and egg nog for Santa and were so surprised to see if half eaten when they woke up. We spent the morning with Rebecca's family and had a great time opening presents. Later on in the afternoon, we started a new tradition and had over more family for enchiladas and chips and dip. We had a great day and the kids had a great time opening gifts and playing with them.
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