Saturday, August 05, 2006

Blogging against my will

I resent the idea that I have to blog just because both my sisters do. Though I am acutely aware that I have the most interesting life (and as a result, the widest internet appeal), the most talent in creative writing, as well as the most blog fodder by far between the three of us, one must readily admit, I have also the least amount of time during which to blog. Come on, girls. I mean, do you really want me to spell it out for you? However, due to the high demand and unrelenting pressure to create a blog, I may be forced to submit--I can't really let Robb do all the writing. That's for sure. Don't get me wrong. He's a great guy. He's got good hair, eyes that can't really just be called 'blue', a sense of humor matched only by those on the writing team at Saturday Night Live, and admittedly, even wider appeal than myself. But, the guy is just not into the details. He's right behind me right now, blogging on his computer. I have not yet read what he is about to publish. But, my guess is that it is a very funny story about poop on moving day. That's pretty much what it comes down to. However, without my unmatched editing skills, witty comments, and general attention to detail, I'm just not sure he can do it. So, I will pop in from time to time, to correct, edit, and add detail when I find it necessary. Unfortunately, I am also the most computer and internet saavy between the two of us. So, I will also be required to add pitures, possibly HTML tags, etc. Really, it's another full-time job. Did I mention I already have 3 of those? Ugh, the pressure to perform is unbearable, being as Mary Poppins perfect as I am...


Sarah said...

Ah, yes, you were always the perfect one. Between the three of us, you have way more entertaining stories to tell and I hope you won't let Robb do ALL the talking. And, just remember, this is for posterity, so years later your children can look back and be embarrased that we not only took embarassing pictures of them, we posted them on the internet for the whole world to see.

Anonymous said...

While you may be very creative, I think it is now clear to the entire world that I am the trend-setter in the family! Who blogged first? Hannah did. Who is also probably the most excited about your blog? Well, Sarah and I will have to fight it out.