We went to the annual Bainbridge Island Fourth of July parade. We headed over to my parent's house and walked down to the parade with cousins and grandparents. It was great weather and there were a lot of people.
Cousin Dana is always a good sport with the boys. They, of course, all want his attention, and he really tries to spread his energy between all of them. They look up to him, especially now that he is 16 and knows how to drive a car.
Tacky as it looks, we lay out all of our blankets and put out all the chairs along the street and set up camp. The kids sit in anticipation of candy being thrown and they had bags this year to hold their loot.
My cousin Mindy, left and her sister Marcy. Mindy came up from San Diego this year and they both came to the parade. It was great to have them and their family.
My nephew Dana, got a kick out of this sign on the car. He said, It's too bad they named that position "Rear Commodore". " It was hilarious. George sat in his car waving with this sign pasted on the side of his car.
Rebecca's Aunt Nancy and Uncle Owen holding up the sign in the parade for their daughter's rope skipping sport.
Amanda is in the middle and the kids get a kick out of seeing her in the parade. To the kids, being in the parade is like being famous.
These are the three amigos that have to watched closely. They are so funny together. All wearing red. It is their gang color.
One of the best parts of the day for Jacob was when Uncle Tom let Jacob build a structure to hold some of the fireworks. Tom let him use all the tools and Jacob was so excited to be his helper. He was following Tom like a puppy dog waiting on his every word.
After the parade, we went back to Stacy and Tom's for a BBQ and fireworks. They pool came out and of course our kids where tearing up the place doing cart wheels into the pool or flips.
Need I say more? She had goggles on and was running up to the pool and nicely stepping in. It was cute.
Uncle Tom was going to teach Dana how to drive a stick shift so all the kids got up on the porch and we watched them drive out of the driveway. "Harder than it looks", says Dana.
Sophia's limo awaits. Dana pulling all of the kids around the yard.
Then all of the kids throwing themselves on Dana. He definitely gets a work out.
My brother Mike and sister, Stacy.
After dinner, Tom started some of the smoke bombs and things that are only fun during the day.
Grandma Karen and Mike watches from the porch which was a safe bet since Tom had fire.
Tom bought these for his daughter because she knows that daddy is loud with fireworks. Add a little chocolate and you have head phones with a chocolate mouth.
We had a row of the older generation gathering in their chairs farther away from the road.
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