What have we been up to anyway? I know, I have been slacking, without any apparent reason other than normal family activities. We did celebrate Aunt Hannah's 30th birthday on February 13th. The kids always love a good birthday celebration. We went out to dinner at Red Robin and then came back to our house to do birthday cake and gifts. We had a great time. This month, we also had my sister, Stacy, Tom, and their family over for dinner one night and the grandparents brought over this great punch bag, which the kids loved. Even Sophia got some action, occasionally hitting Jonah when he wasn't looking. Getting together for dinner with the cousins are always a lot of fun, but wow is it loud. I am almost positive that we were the same way with our cousins growing up. The parents would stay downstairs while all of the cousins were upstairs knocking things over and playing great games. We didn't think we were ever loud, but we would get calls from downstairs to "keep it down up there." It is all part of the experience. 

The other major project that has been keeping us busy throughout the past two months has been the master bath project 2007/2008. It started out as the 2007 project, but we slowly realized it was going to take a little longer than that. We tore everything down to the studs and started fresh. It is a lot of work, but we needed to do this to put in a new shower. The other one had been leaking and needed to be re-done. We put a new shower pan in and Rebecca tiled, since this is her area of expertise. She then tiles the floor (which I will have to get a picture of also). Tiling the floor was a bigger monster than she realized due to the type of tile we used. With those two things done, we were able to put a new toilet in, put up some bead board, molding, and put in the bathroom vanity. Last weekend, we painted and put up molding with nail gun which is always both invigorating and scary, all at the same time. I am happy to say that there was never an incident while using the nail gun. Now, all that is left is putting in the shower head and hooking up the sink. Once that is done, than our bathroom will be complete. Then, it will be on to the next project I am sure. Not sure what they will be yet, but I am sure we can find something. Oh, that's right, we do need to finish painting our room which seems like a piece of cake compared the rest of the projects. Once finished with all of this stuff, it will be spring, and our muscles and stamina will move outside. it feels good to be moving towards completion. Some may wonder how we have learned all of these tasks putting in a bathroom and it has mostly been on the job training. Glad we didn't blow up the house.
Thank you for not turning us into the blogging police. We know it has been a long time, but it is all Rebecca's fault. Boy that is good to get off my chest. Have a great day.
Robb and Rebecca
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