For those of you who don't know, anytime there is some event (usually a bad one) in the family, we name it.....and then we attach a date to the end. We started this when I was younger and it seems to work in jogging our memory. Some of the most memorable ones have been Pancake 1995, Thanksgiving 03', and Halloween carving 07'. Each one of them has meaning to us that either brings back good or bad memories, but either way, it now makes us laugh. You may look at all of these pictures and not see the "behind the scenes". Kids are smiling, knives are all in the appropriate hands, etc. What you didn't see was the conversation prior to carving about how it is going to be different this year. All of the kids remembered Halloween carving 07 very clearly. No one wanted to revisit that memory. Last year, we were going to carve pumpkins and then head to a movie (I don't remember which one, but it was supposed to be a good one). Right before we started carving, the kids got in a fight and there were words exchanged along with a physical altercation. After deliberation from the boss and myself, we decided the movie was off and then they all had to carve pumpkins separated by at least ten feet. Hence, Halloween carving 07. the kids all remember this. So, this year, I started out the event with a small speech
essentially stating that we didn't want another Halloween 07 this year and they all
adamantly agreed. So here are the edited pictures from this year. No major
scuffles to report.

My favorite part of carving pumpkins is collecting the seeds and roasting them with salt. It smells great and they are the best. It is tedious, but worth it.

I thought this picture was extra special
freaky. I seem a little too
comfortable with the
knife in this picture and Noah seems to be watching pretty intently. Have a Happy Halloween and may all of your special events not be named.
You have miracle blad knives? How are they holding up for you? Ours have sure gotten dull.
Looks like you guys had fun. Did you get to go to a movie this year?
I want to hear about Pancake 1995 and Thanksgiving 2003! Glad all is well with you. I have a new nephew-William Nils Patrick Lee. How cool you two went to the Bahamas. I am going to Maui in December for a friend's wedding. Can't wait! Cheers, Anne T
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