Anyone who knows Rebecca may not know that she is competitive by nature. As you can see by the picture, she was beating Noah at the time. Jacob is usually the one in the family that does the best at this game. They ran for two hours. They had a great time and it was exactly what Noah wanted to do.
Noah always has the best smile. You can tell when he is having a blast. It shows right through. Can't believe our baby is now 5. We have been telling him this past year that he was not allowed to ever turn 5.
That night, we went out to Azteca with both of his grandparents for fajitas. Noah got a little scared when they came out singing in Spanish and put the big sombrero on him. He got embarrassed and turned red. He loved it though
Aunt Hannah was able to come over before she left on a mission trip and celebrate with Noah. He loves his aunt Hannah.
Noah tried the chocolate mousse, something he has never had before. He thought it was better than cake. He is such a good brother, sharing his mousse with everyone. Not always easy for a five year old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH!!!
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