Sunday, May 18, 2008

Day of the mother!

I realize we had already posted a Mother's Day tribute, but here are the actual pictures of the Day. The kids, of course, wanted to make breakfast for mom and give her a back rub when they woke her. Jonah helped make the Latte and carried it in. Noah helped with part of the breakfast, and Jacob made the oatmeal. Mom's favorite breakfast is oatmeal with blueberries and strawberries. Then the kids attacked her with homemade gifts and a back rub. She was a bit disoriented when they woke her and they were so filled with Joy to help her relax. I told them that relaxing for mom was letting her sleep in until after 8:00, but 7:00 was the latest they could push it. Don't worry, we let her take a 2 hour nap later on that day to make up for the early wake up call.

Here is Jonah with the Latte, making sure to walk in very slowly. he was so proud because he knows that she loves her latte. He got to pour the milk in with the foam at the end.

After church, Rebecca's family went out to lunch at Anthony's in Bremerton. It was beautiful that day and we had a table overlooking the water. All the kids did a great job at a "fancy" restaurant. We had prepped them before and they did great.

My parents were flying to Hawaii that day, so we didn't get to see my mom on Mother's Day. It was a nice day. For dinner, the I made taco salad and we spent the evening together. I am sure that Rebecca would have loved more sleep time, but she said she had a great day of rest and relaxation with her family. To all of the mom out there, Happy Mother's Day!!!

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