Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's been awhile

Where to begin? There have been a lot of things going on over the past three months. The winter has been more unusual than normal. We had more snow days and power outage days than we normally do. All that means now is making sure those days are made up for the kids. Seems like every time we turn around, the kids are out of school for this holiday or conferences. All the kids are really enjoying school. Jacob had his first grade spring program where he played a weed. He did this with such enthusiasm, it was great to watch. Jonah is loving kindergarten, wishing he was going full days. Noah loves his preschool and seems to keep busy running around after Jonah when he gets home from school. Kids are still in swimming two nights a week, which they love, but starting next week, they will be in baseball. They can't wait to be on a real team. Their lives are filled to the brim with fun and we are just going along for the ride.

Jacob and I were able to go to Spring training for the first time this March. We met my brothers and their sons, and my dad. We went down for three days and went to two Mariners games. We had a blast and the cousins couldn't get enough baseball and swimming. It was great to spend time with all the snorts. It is something I would highly recommend doing. The seats were cheap and were close to the field. The weather was also unseasonably warm at 100 degrees which made swimming even more needed. I will have to post some of the pictures when I get them on the computer.

Now some will say that I have gone through a mini-mid life crisis since turning 35, but there has been no crisis. I finally had the opportunity to buy a Jeep Wrangler, which is something I have wanted to do since age 16. It was actually Reba's idea, so I ran with it. It is a great car. I have had a good time driving to work. On top of getting a new car, I decided to cut my hair, which is a big deal since I have had the same haircut since age 13. Time to move a head a little bit. So, 35 isn't half bad so far.

We are looking forward to the summer, doing a little bit of travel, working in the yard a lot, and playing with he kids. I will give an update this week with some pictures. Take care and thanks for the patience.


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