The quiet before the storm and frenzy of Christmas morning. I love this time just as much as when the kids coming running out. The kids got up between 6:45 and 7:15. Noah would have slept in until 8:00 if we let him, even though he is usually the first one up in the morning.

All of the kids had to come into our room first until we got everything set up in the morning. When I was little, we did the same thing in our house. We would all get up and stay in my parents room while the got he fire going and coffee made. It has always been a great memory to wait for the go ahead. We would all run down the stairs and see the tree and the gifts from Santa. We did the same things this year. The kids waited until we said it was time and they came running.

They all opened stockings first and then we break for breakfast (Scotch eggs and coffee cake). It is tradition. Any of you who don't know what Scotch eggs are, you are missing out--just email me and ask me. We were on our way to the table when they saw the gifts from Santa that had been hidden in he other room. They all came running with Noah yelling for his brothers, "There are Santa gifts over here". They were all so excited to get their bikes from Santa.

Kids on their bikes. We let them ride them inside since it was too early and too cold outside. They thought that was great. We made sure they knew this wasn't a normal activity.

Aunt Hannah loves her nephews and she had a great time giving gifts this year. She always nails the gifts perfectly for each child. She got Noah a shopping cart which he thought was very cool. He then put all of his Christmas gifts into it throughout the morning.

Jonah received roller blades from Aunt Hannah which he said he had always wanted. He was very happy and also put them on right away and skated through the house. We are push over for parents. Letting the kids ride bikes and roller blades in the house. It is all down hill from here I am afraid.

Noah, being very content listening to his story reader on the couch. One of those quiet moments on Christmas morning where you see the exhaustion catch up to each child.

Opening gifts on Christmas morning. Noah has a great look on his face......and so does Sue.

Rebecca, always looking beautiful, even when I try to get a picture of her in order to black mail her with at a later date. Does Reba take a bad picture? Don't answer that. You're beautiful honey, especially with the Santa hat on.

At around 11:00, it started to snow, which was great in and of itself. It was so beautiful to see the snow on Christmas morning. Until we remembered we were driving to Bainbridge Island in the white stuff. We left and it was really coming down hard. It was beautiful, so Rebecca took pictures from the car. You would think we have lived our whole life in Arizona or something. We did make it to Bainbridge safely though. What a great gift.

We went over to my parents home and all nine cousins got to be together to open gifts and play together. They all had a great time with each other. Opening gifts was incredible to watch. So much excitement and noise. Jacob and Jonah got pogo sticks, which they think is awesome. So do their parents. Anything to suck the energy from them is always a great gift.

Grandma Karen with Jacob helping him open a gift. Jacob actually had an ear infection that seemed to peak right when we arrived at their house. While he was opening gifts, Rebecca was on the phone with the on-call doctor getting a prescription for Jacob. She called around to many different pharmacies until she found one that was open on Christmas--Thank God.

It was scary and exciting all at the same time to see Nolan and Noah get launching planes on Christmas. They looked like they were a force to be reckoned with that day. They had so much fun with them, shooting them up into the fan and their grandparents home.

All of the kids, with Dana's help (age 15) recreated the story of Christmas from the Bible. To put is lightly, it was so funny. It was mass chaos on top of mass chaos. If you look closely, Nolan has a pink too too on. Dana tried hard to make the costume work for this Bible story, but it was a stretch. The baby Jesus was man handled by the sheep and cattle. Mary fell off the donkey she was riding which pushed her into an early term labor. They ended up using Nolan as the angel (as he wore his pink outfit). The manger gave way and baby Jesus rolled across the floor. By most accounts, it was a traumatic event for most, but especially, Jesus. We had a great time watching the whole thing.

Here is the cast and crew for the Christmas story that was performed on Bainbridge Island in 2007. God loves all of these children.
We had a great Day with a lot of great memories. Each year it just keeps getting better and better. God bless everyone.