Boy, I thought that having time off being home with
Rebecca after surgery would allow me a little more time to post some pictures, but that wasn't the case.
Rebecca went in on December 18
th for foot surgery so the Holidays were spent on the couch with her foot up on pillows and multiple bags of ice. It also meant we had to be ready for Christmas a week ahead of time. Some how we did it.

I took a picture of
Rebecca before she went into surgery. She even makes the gowns look good. She wouldn't let me post the other pictures that I took when she was asleep or in recovery. Those will be posted later. As you can see in the picture, her gown is hooked up to an air blowing machine that pumps in hot or cold air so that you are comfortable while you wait to go in under the
knife. I thought that was cool.

A day or two after surgery and she was knitting away. Who knows how everything actually turned out since she was on some nice medication on board. On the phone,
ipod in hand, and making Christmas gifts. It was a very interesting Christmas.

I was able to take Family medical Leave from work and was home until Jan 11
th. This allowed me time to teach the kids this year a tradition that goes back to my childhood. Scotch eggs. All the men in my family would make Scotch eggs the night before Christmas and we would have them Christmas morning. This year, the kids were ready to gets their hands dirty and we wrapped all the hard boiled eggs and they were ready for cooking Christmas morning.

We did have to go over the ground rules of not putting their fingers in their mouths once they had their hands in the

The finished products before baking. They are the best.

You have to flatten the sausage out in your hand and put the egg in the middle and then wrap it around. It is hard with little hands, so Noah struggled a bit, but he did great.

Christmas Eve we also had Sarah, Josh, Thomas, Charlotte, Mark, and Sue over for dinner. It is customary to open one gift, although this fact is highly debated every year.
Rebecca was on the couch with her foot up and so she was the one to decide that the kids could open their pajama gifts from Mark and Sue. Also, Sarah and Josh gave their gift to the kids Christmas Eve since they were going to be at his house Christmas Day.

Jonah, Noah, and Thomas hanging out before dinner. Thomas loves
hangin with the boys and they love having him around.

I think Josh is showing the signs of having a new baby. Catch sleep when you can get it.

We somehow were able to move the table to
accommodate everyone on Christmas Eve and Christmas day.

Little Charlotte getting her meal in before we opened gifts Christmas Eve.

Dinner on Christmas Eve, and the answer is No, I didn't cook the Christmas dinner. Mark and Sue cooked it and brought it over, which I will be forever grateful.

The big gift of the evening from Sarah and Josh was Lego rock band for our whole family. The kids went crazy and had a great time playing it that night. They got two guitars and the drums.

Noah has gravitated towards the drums, Jacob the guitar, and Jonah, the microphone. He stands on the table and belts out these songs that are hilarious.

Jonah also didn't do half bad on the guitar. Funny to watch them.

The whole family got into the act. It was a great gift and the kids loved getting it
Christmas Eve.
Definitely loud, but fun.

Sarah and Thomas opening gifts.

Christmas morning, the kids are opening their blankets that Reba made them prior to surgery. The week, before, she spent lots of time sewing these flannel blankets for the kids. In the background, you can see that Jacob has one with a map of the United States on it. They love them. Now no more fighting over blankets in the morning while they are on the couch.

Charlotte doing what she does best, sleep. Aunt Reba bought her a
Barrett for the massive amounts of hair she has.

The kids all got S
nuggies this year, which they all wanted. They are hilarious to see on them. Don't worry, you won't see out family wearing them to a football game or on a picnic outing like you see in the commercials.

Jacob got a Lego Star Wars ship and went right to work building it. It was pretty cool.

Here is the finished product. He was so proud to have gotten this for Christmas.

Later on in the day, My parents, Stacy, Tom, and their kids came over and we did Christmas with them and had dinner. It is always fun to see the cousins together. Noah and Nolan got and
received the same gift this year.

inter tubes!

Jonah and Isabelle chillin Christmas Day

The crazy two-some got matching jackets this year from grandma.

Grandma with her two monkeys!

Jonah got an electric guitar from grandma and he loves it. Now he can be in the band he always wanted to be in with his friend, Sam.

Uncle Tom trying out the Lego rock band with all the cousins.

Even my sister tried her hand at the guitar. She loves it when I get shots of her like this.

At the end of Christmas Day, all of the adults were so tired.

Aunt Hannah playing 3-D cnadyland with Noah and Jonah. I think Noah made papa be the princess character in the game.
We had a great Christmas with all of our family. It always goes by so fast. I will try to put up some pictures of when we went over to Spokane on New Year's Eve and went sledding. Have a Happy New Year!